Crate sfsm_base[][src]


Contains definitions for a state machine that contains error handling mechanisms

Contains definitions used by a state machine without any error handling support


Error type that will be returned if an error during the message polling or pushing occurred. It will indicate what the cause for the error was and return the original message in the push case.

Enum used to indicate to the guard function if the transition should transit to the next state or remain in the current one.


An implementation of this trait will be implemented for the state machine for every state. This allows to test if the state machine is in the given state.

The PollMessage trait implementation will be generated by the add_message! macro and is used to return messages from states.

The PushMessage trait implementation will be generated by the add_message! macro and is used to send messages into the state machine where they will then be forwarded to the correct state.

Allows a state to declare that it can receive a message. Note: for the state to actually be able to receive a message, the message has to be added with the add_message! macro

Allows a state to declare that it can return a message. Note: for the state to actually be able to receive a message, the message has to be added with the add_message! macro

Trait that will be implemented by all state machines. The all implementations will be generated by the macro calls.